I’m not an avid reader, as most of my time and energy goes into reading academic books. But I make sure that I read at least 2 to 3 pages of a non-academic book each day.
Instead of reading 50 books a year, I read only a few new books a year, and re-read books which have had a great impact on my life. (A year ago, I read an article about re-reading books, and was pleased to know that I was on the right track.) By doing this, I’m able to master the tips and tricks mentioned in the books. I also underline the important sentences as I go along, as it makes it easier to read the book at a glance at the end.
Mark Manson’s book – 'The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck' is simply brilliant! It was the first self-help book I read in 2018.
Manson is a blogger, who compiled a series of his blog posts into the book, after the incredible response he received for them. His innovative way of convincing his readers to get their heads out of the clouds, and work hard, is commendable. It’s truly life-changing!
It is because of this book that I started researching so much about weight loss, and worked hard to get the results I wanted. I also owe it to this book for making me realize that I needed to stop playing victim, and take responsibility for my life.
Not everyone will enjoy Manson’s style of writing, but it is undoubtedly appealing. No wonder it’s been on the New York Times’ Bestseller list for so many years!
Since I’ve just begun reading the book for the third time, I've decided to share excerpts from each chapter, in addition to my own insights, in a series of posts.
These are the chapters of the book (I will link my posts below, as and when I write them) :
An update :
Since I’m writing these posts, I felt it would be better to inform the author about it.
It wouldn’t be pretty if he found out himself, got furious, and sued me. (Yes, I overthink a lot. Haha.)
I emailed him on 8th March, 2020. This was what I wrote :

And guess what? He replied!

I then replied to him, as follows :

So, I’ve got permission from the author to write posts on his book. I’m so relieved! Phew!
If you haven’t read the book, I strongly recommend that you do. Who knows, just like in my case, it may change your life. Stay tuned!
Thank you for reading! Stay blessed!